This is encouraging Just admirable how much work has gone into the website. It’s important to increase the local footprint so it does not seem like it’s mainly American.
You would have to consider other ex officio members like the GMA president, and the SRC President of the medical school. This will immediately increase the circulation among doctors in Ghana and also medical students.
A lot of the legwork: carrying around letters for raising funds from various private clinics in Ghana, following up emails with alumni in the diaspora -etc. could be done by student volunteers.
This is an amazing initiative. You just have to ensure that the burden of fundraising and awareness creation is shared wider. You also need a financial person to breakdown the one million figure into how few donors are really needed to get this figure, and how little the dent would be on individual incomes if the collective gives.
The testimonials are great. Younger givers also need to be added so it’s not like this is just for the millionaires club… God bless you abundantly. Great work!
Dr. Teddy Totimeh Accra, Ghana
Accra, Ghana
I’m sure the Executive Board of UGMSAF greatly appreciates your astute suggestions and would in due course consider incorporating some of these ideas. Your enthusiastic embrace, support and promotion of this endeavor is greatly appreciated and acknowledged.
I do believe you meant to say in the fourth paragraph “you also don’t need…” instead of “You also need….” specially, since inception, UGMS has over 6000 Alumni with a healthy portion having significant disposable income. Let’s hope the clarion SOS by our alma mater would be answered by her sons and daughters. What do you Think?